Tuesday, April 13, 2010

oyeee oyeee..oye o o aa...

Dont ask me how it happened, please. though theories abound, explaining that is beyond the scope of this author...

it was proclaimed to be the cell phone of the 21st century...small,sleek,slim,as compact as it can get...barely the size of a finger...and that did him in.

well, some say, it was his girl friend avenging over trivial girlfriend issues ( can it ever be anything but ? ), packing it in between the lettuce of his sandwich.

some say he got carried away in this bet with his colleagues...didnt want to come out with the truth, so he dared....in the long run, he'll get to know how keeping a secret literally hurts..

some even postulate that it was his boss's nagging and calling him every few minutes made his life a living hell and that made him do it in a frenzy...( some even claim it wasnt the boss, it may have been the girlfriend, one source even claims it was her mom !!! )

whatever the reason be,did it he did !

so one minute that sleek little thing was in his hand, the next settled among the rugal folds, ie, in his stomach.

yes, you need not blink nor stare. it was in his tummy alright.

now what havoc it would play on his digestion and what if the lethal batteries exploded within were his chief concerns. the more fool he ! his main worry should have been, what if someone calls ?

no, no, he needn't have worried about his girlfriend breaking up with him for not taking her calls, or even his boss firing him for ignoring him ( this was a dream come true though - ignoring hari sadu ! )...

you see, by a cruel stroke of fate,minutes before he gulped down the device, he had, for fun, and plain fun, set a new ring tone.

so, our hero, having done his herogiri, or the herogiri having been imposed on him, ended up with his cell down his gastric canal.

and suddenly, out of nowhere, the office bursts with " OYEE OYEE....OYE O O AAA..." boy ! now was that a scene ! everything stopped ! and everyone stared - at each other first, then at the boss's office - could that be him on the mic - naaah ! and finally, at our hero ! for he had stopped midtrack, and was looking down at his tummy in utter disbelief ! oh no ! it couldnt be !

and very soon, his work mates caught on ..! aah ! that's the source - said they - with the finger pointing at hero's worked out tummy !

finally, the ring stopped. everyone looked at him and then at their own phones. a crueller smile had never been envisioned, let alone sighted. friend and foes alike took out their cells and began to dial....finally, one of them got through ! and the office reverberated with OYEE OYEE!! our poor hero could only stare and get mad and wish for it to stop...wish that the stop button would collide with some rudiment of food; while the rest of the office laughed their hearts out.

the doc told him he would have to be operated upon n that would take a few days, till then, "grin and bear it !" said he "and yes, could i have your number plz ?" he couldnt resist !

the next day at work, he felt like the guest of honour...everyone was waiting for him....phone in hand !

now, our hero is a hunk ! the real cutie pie smarty sorts - so the girls really relate to him,they somehow managed to convince everyone not to bother him on purpose....ok, so that was agreed upon..

the minutes passed with all eyes on him,plz plz let someone call,said they; plz plz nobody call,said he. "OYEE OYEE OYE OYE AAAA...."

everyone burst out in song and dance as wrong as the damned ring went on.rumour had it that his number had been sent around n people requested to give him a call for no reason at all - "dont worry, he wont pick up ur call !" And so they danced away... never before had this song generated so much mirth and bonhomie...and thus was invented the latest entertainment for that office.

people would go back to working with their ears on alert, and out of nowhere would this start "OYEE OYEE.." and they would drop EVERYTHING, boss's calls(he would land up too), client's calls, family calls, files,reports,meetings,discussions,agendas...everything could wait. this was the moment to live it up. and would jump up and just break into dance, a few adventorous ( n inconsiderate) ones even had sombreros on them ( maybe not tirchhi enough though)!

oh,life was such a party !
p.s. its still in there and hero has been invited on all television shows, the latest being O Winfrey !